Inside Out Of My Mind

About Me

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Born and raised in Metro Detroit. I have a deep love for the city and all that it has to offer. Always seeking growth, absorbing all that I can and cherishing the treasures that I collect along the way. I am fortunate in my life to experience many true connections with others where I am gifted with energy, light, passion and grace.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Creative Energy is Currency

Writing saved me in my childhood and continues to save me but more than that, it propels me forward into beautiful spaces, wonder-filled places and uncovers a gratitude that brings life to the simple joys in each day. The propulsion that creative energies offer are the prescription for healing, resilience and forward movement. Let us  shine the light withn ourselve that is brighter from the legacy of those who have gone before us. ♡

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Roots are the growth that conducts the harvest

Studying family history is a wonder filled adventure. It allows us to take a look back at the trials, beauty, pathways, connections, intertwining that were traversed in order to make our existence a reality. Along the journey, we uncover all kinds of surprises, sad truths, beautiful relationships, complicated stories, family quarrels, resilience, road blocks, adventures, hardships, brushes with death, close calls, controversy, love, loss, heartache, failures, victories, and so much more. 
Some say, why take an interest?  That is all in the past. My response is that knowing what transpired along the path to my arrival helps me understand the puzzle pieces, the players , and their journey is filled with lessons that give purpose to my existence. If x, y or z did not happen, I would not have the privilege to be here and experience this life as I am. It gifts me with gratitude,  inspiration, resourcefulness, resilience  purpose. Similar to looking back at our own stories to discover the lessons within them, it harkens a part of ourselves that overcomes but sometimes lies dormant when the book is closed. If we open the book and rediscover the stories of our own or our family resilience, we remind ourselves of our strength, our ability to navigate challenging waters and remember that we always have the tools to build the ship we need to traverse the roughest waters and simultaneously soak in the beauty as we travel.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Let It Rise

When the day to day

Goes up in smoke

Don't freeze and don't choke.

Let it rise,
Dry your eyes,
Wait for . . .

The clearest blue,
The clearest sign,
No devil in the details,
No mixed emotions.
Gratitude for the reveal!
Gratitude for the shake up!
Then, write the first line
In the new chapter of your life.
Kyra Faith

Monday, December 21, 2020

Time Tables

Time tables make minds stable

Or break them wide open
Break down the way forward
Elevate the truths inside
Deconstruct the journey
Fight against the memories
Seduce the joy, invite the wonder
Beckon the strength
Block the midnight call to arms as
Day slips in to halt the breakdown
That darkness bred the night before
Don't be drawn into the race
As sand pours through the hourglass
As the deadline approaches
Keep your mind from breaking
While you cast your gaze to the horizon
Dawn smooths out the wrinkles of time
And we wake before the breakdown
And, we break the day wide open!

-Kyra Faith